Wednesday, January 20, 2010

my letter to my 19-year-old daughter

for your information, I do not have a daughter yet. I'm writing this letter for my future 19-year-old daughter, something that might come in handy.

anuary 21, 2010

hey, gorgeous!

okay,this may seem awkward and a little weird since i am writing to you, my daughter, who had been with me for 19 years. And being a carefree teenager, the last thing you need right now is someone telling you what to do, especially me, being your mom and all. But I'd like you to know that I wrote this when I was 19 years old, the same age as you are now. Believe me when I say that I know you'd rather listen to your girlfriends with the same age as you are than your old mom. So here I am, and I want you to listen to me, not as your mom but as a girl friend.

first, I want to talk to you about school. i don't have much to brag about my academics, i was average. I wasn't the intelligent type in school, i usually kept my mouth shut whenever the teacher asks a question about something because i was always scared that my answer might be wrong. But that is something I sometimes regret.

Back in highschool, I've had all sorts of distractions. I've been in the wrong circle of friends, done things that i shouldn't have, watched too much tv, etc. And those distractions kept me away from school. In this time, i know that I could've done much better if I concentrated in school. But you're in college now and we both have passed that highschool stage and I want you to know that I am proud of whatever you have accomplished now. And i want you to remember, that finishing school is very important. There will come a time that you will have to stand on your own and then is when you will be able to use up all the things you've learned in school. I don't really need you to be successful or famous, i just don't want to leave this world knowing that you don't eat three times a day or that you don't have a roof above your head, that will hurt me more than it will hurt you.

I would really appreciate it if you didn't have a boyfriend when you were in highschool, if you did, then don't fret, I am not mad at you because I've been there. But you still are young and i want you to understand that you should enjoy your single life first, because once you've met the right guy for you, you might not have enough time with your friends. Speaking of friends, they are the best things that could ever happen to you. Partners may come and go but your friends will always be there for you so you should never EVER neglect them.

Sweetie, you're 19 now and i know that you may have been in some relationships or you will be in some, please don't be ever afraid of telling me if you already are. Yes, I may not react in a very good way but still, I am your mom and I will be there to support you in whatever decisions you have, even when it comes to your lovelife, just like the way your lola supported mine. You may also be in a couple of sucky, no-good relationships, and when you get there, always remember that you could always come to me and we will indulge in pistachio ice cream together.

Being heart broken is not easy, I know that sometimes you feel like the world is crumbling on you, but always remember that if you pray for it and always keep Psalms 34:18 in mind, everything will be okay and eventually the right guy will come at the right time. I know because I had been heartbroken, too, but I prayed for it then I found your dad and we had a very beautiful daughter, YOU.

There are still a lot of things that I would like to tell you, but you're grown-up now and you have to learn to explore things on your own. But before i end this letter, there are still four things that I would like you to remember:

1. You are beautiful no matter what (after all, I am your MOM).

2. Keep your feet on the ground.

3. Let your faith in God Guide you.

4. Your dad and I will always be here for you to support you but you should always remember that we are here to protect you, too.

i love you.

i'll stand by you.


yes.i fall in love easily.

I was in facebook the other day, then I saw this post on my wall. It's from a friend answering a question in SocialInterview, one of the applications in that networking site. The question was "If (insert my real name here)was to go to jail for something, what would it be?" to which he answered, "having too many boyfriends." and then my best friend liked that post. offended, i deleted it.

If you'd ask me how many boyfriends I've had, I'd usually take a minute or two to think if I would tell the truth or just HALF of the truth. You may even call me a SLUT if I'd answer you truthfully. But, really, would I still be qualified as a slut when, as far as I know and believe, I fell in love with ALL of them.

OKAY, maybe not all of them. Some of them happened because I was coerced by friends, some of them were not even valid because I didn't know that we were already a THING. Some, well, lets just say I was still young and i didn't know the difference between love and infatuation.

Fine,that sounds pretty bad, but believe me, I've had my fair share of heartbreaks, A.K.A. KARMA.

If i could put a line on where the REAL LOVE started, i would say it was in college.

I mean, c'mon, highschool? Those were the days of puppy love and raging hormones. I was experimenting. Okay, sorry for the bad terminology.

It's in college where I learned how to cry over something I've lost and where I found out that there is no better teacher than Mr. Experience.

But the actual question: why do I fall in love so easily?

Actually, i don't know. I can't and I WON'T blame my parents because they showered me with enough love, even more than what I deserve (Commercial: it's not true that the youngest sib gets the least love).

I guess for me, having someone (other than family) appreciate your existence is once of the greatest feelings one could ever have. I mean, someone who'd tell you you're gorgeous even if you look like crap, someone who'd say you smell good even if you bathed in your own sweat or someone who'd say you're sexy even after indulging in that big plate of pasta, pizza and mojos after christmas. Sure it's a biased lie, but that is really how he sees you. And you know he means it because you feel it.

Yeah, sure you have friends, but time will come, they'd also find that person to whom their worlds will revolve in, and if you don't find your own, you might end up, well, alone.

It's really good to know that at the end of a really long and tiring day, there's always someone who you could rant about the bad things or brag about what you did right and he'd just sit beside you and listen and not talk back. But still, even without words, you know that he has your back and/or he is very proud of you and your achievements.

Sure, some hearts could be broken because of failed relationships, but the thing about break ups and broken hearts is that they end up teaching you a lesson and making you stronger. Yes I am in a relationship and I am very much in love with my boyfriend, but if ever things will not work out, I would never ever look back with regret. I know i will fall in love again and the heartache that this relationship might cost would be a preparation for the next one.

But right now, I am happy with who I'm with. And I have this hope, this hope and prayer and even belief that he is the last guy that I would love, the man that I will marry and the person I'd grow old with.

So with this I say, you can call me a slut, but it wouldn't matter to me, because I was in love. I was in love, I AM in love and I will REMAIN IN LOVE. It's the greatest feeling one could ever have.